Out Today Interstellar Watch Video Interviews



From the crime swept streets of Gotham to tackling the final frontier in the name of mankind today Christopher Nolan‘s Interstellar arrives in British and Irish cinemas. The film features an all-star cast lead by Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain ,MacKenzie Foy and we celebrate the release with a series of video  interviews.

In Interstellar Earth’s existence is nearing it’s end forcing group of explorers(Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway) to launch into space to explore our universe in a hope of saving mankind. A hope comes when they discover a wormhole but will it deliver ‘our future’?

In this set of video interviews we hear the cast Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine plus director Christopher Nolan chat about the film. As well as sharing their experiences filming this epic film we have an extra bonus of an featurette looking at building an blackhole which plays an important part in the film.

Interstellar is in UK, Irish and American cinemas from today 7th November, you can read >our review here plus why not check out our Christopher Nolan feature looking at some of our favourite moments.



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