source Slashfilm

When I read the headline of the source story my first reaction was I’m not surprised, MAD MAX: FURY ROAD will be shot in 3D. It’s been talk for a while that the movie was going to be converted into 3D in post production (probably meant it would have been crap) but the director Georger Miller has now confirmed, yes it will be 3D but shoot entirely 3d not a post conversion.

The will be shot using ‘revolutionary new technology’ developed by Miller himself based  on Dalsa Corp originals, as in how far advanced the gear is we dont know  but Austrailian Movie Magazine Inside Film recently had a chat with a spokeman for Miller and this is what he said:

“We are doing 3D on Fury Road – we are shooting with real 3D cameras,” Dr Miller told INSIDEFILM. “Seven years ago we were going to shoot in 3D but the technology in cinemas wasn’t geared for it then but I always loved 3D or stereo.”

This report  says the movie will have a $100million plus budget with an 40% rebate from Austrailian government for a producer off-set, but there is no mention of  back to back production of 2  Mad Max Movies (Mad Max Furiosa been regarded as movie 2).
Another confirmation was WETA’s involvement in the movie working on the conceptional design, costume, speciality make up and those crash set dummies for the road. According the Slashfilm report if there is to be two back to back movies in production it’ll pushback the production to February 2011, the report also suggest the crew,cast and the service companies involved are expecting offical word sometime this week.

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