Go Further Enjoy New Interstellar Trailer And TV Spots



Mankind’s next step will be our greatest but today we can go further as we embrace the epic awesomeness of the final UK trailer plus a host of tv spots for Christopher Nolan‘s Interstellar.

It doesn’t feel like a year since we where teased by the emotions and tears of Matthew McConaughey‘s in the film’s first teaser trailer leaving us for months attempting to decipher what the film’s premise was. With 3 or so weeks to go we get a further look into ‘space pioneering’ world Nolan has created with plenty of new footage to enjoy without  spoiling our anticipation when the film touches down in November.

In Interstellar Earth’s existence is nearing it’s end forcing group of explorers(Matthew McConaughey,  Anne Hathaway) to launch into space to explore our universe in a hope of saving mankind. A hope comes when they discover a wormhole but will it deliver ‘our future’?

In addition of the chilling new  trailer we have 3 new TV Spots which will be airing on TV over this coming weekend, also delivering new footage but like any other Christopher Nolan film not revealing too much. First spot ‘Future‘ it sets up the mission which our heroes must face and sacrifice they must face. In TV spot 2 ‘Countdown‘ we meet Nolan regular Michael Caine delivering his mentor father figure words of advice to Coop and in the final spot ‘Make it‘ gives a sense of the timescale the pilots up against plus some spectacular fx.

Interstellar is the first film Nolan hasn’t been with his regular cinematographer Wally Pfister who we know was directing his first film Transcendence. Let The Right One In, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy‘s Hoyte Van Hoytem has picked up the reigns and though there is a slight difference he’s certainly looked like he’s delivered a visual quality just as beautiful and just as powerful as Pfister.Excited? Hell yes we are!

Interstellar touches down in UK cinemas from 7th November co-starring Jessica Chastain, Wes Bentley, Casey Affleck, Michael Caine, David Oyelowo, Topher Grace, Mackenzie Foy, John Lithgow and Ellen Burstyn.

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