Source Theplaylist & Ramascreen

The X-Men:First Class the next installment in the long running X-Move franchise has found there Emma Frost but it wont be Rosamund Pike (she’s rummoured to be Charles Xavier love interest Moira Mctaggert) as many beleive it would her but it is a British actress and it’s She’s Outta My League star Alice Eve.

According to Deadline she is in talks to play Frost after losing out  to Hayley Atwell instead for the female lead in Captain America movie but I’m sure Eve’s appearance in Sex and The City 2 may have helped her get the Frost part rather than Peggy Carter.

The filming shoots next month apparently next month in the uk with Michael Fassbender confirmed last week as Magneto,James MacAvoy ages ago as charles Xavier with Ben Walker up for been the beast and Kick-Ass Aaron Johnson possibly a runner for Cyclops which could oust him from the spiderman movie if he gets this part. There’s still loads of characters good and bad still to be sorted and if sooting is starting very soon I assume we’ll be hearing more cast news very very soon.

Back to Captain America Tommy Lee Jones Looks like will be playing Colonel Phillips in the up coming Captain America:First Avenger movie according to a statement on Marvel website. Phillips is an important role in Captain America as he was the man who recruited Steve Rogers aka Capt.America to the Operation Rebirth project.

Staying with Marvel Comics, I dont know why its taking them so long but finally Marvel Comics have establish a new division of Marvel Entertainment which will focus on the television side of production (live action & Animation) called Marvel Television. Joesph Loeb will be the head of the division simply down to his past tv experience on shows like Lost, Heros, Buffy the Vampire Slayer wil hopefully see possible Marvel comic characters get tv shows which could sprout into future franchise movies. He does have that experience possibly help get the right writers and producers onboard but looking what he did for Hero’s some people may see his new position to tread with caution.

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