Taraji P.Henson’s Proud Mary Reveals A New Poster
The name Proud Mary, you automatically just think of the iconic Tina Turner song of the same name which is...
The name Proud Mary, you automatically just think of the iconic Tina Turner song of the same name which is...
In just over one weeks time he will arrive at a cinema near you, he'll want you to float. Pennywise...
To support the release of Inconceivable on DVD, Digital and VOD, we have a DVD to giveaway courtesy of Arrow...
Earlier today The BFI announced the programme for the 61st BFI London Film Festival and one of the films on...
We're loving the mystery shrouding Darren Aronofsky's upcoming Psychological Horror Thriller Mother! What we know is Jennifer Lawerence is our...
When it comes to running Film Festivals diversity is the name of the game to deliver a successful festival, especially...
Been an interesting few years for Brie Larson  Room, Free Fire, Kong Skull Island, and things look to be getting...
Rotting flesh and a love of brains (eating them that is) may not be the top requirements on most people’s...
November will see the UK cinematic release of George Clooney's next directorial feature Surburbicon co-written by the Coen Brothers. Described...
Vince Vaughn is not always an actor who we would associate with violent based thrillers. October we will see him...
It absolutely goes without question that 1975 classic Jaws, remains the ultimate shark film that all others are compared to...
You can always achieve the impossible, dream the dream and next new year's day The Impossible will come true for...
Love movies? love Television, Anime, Wrestling? The list is endless and we love trying new things, so The Peoples Movies,...
Deadly Affair Crime, mystery, drama | UK, 1966 | 15 | 28th August 2017 (UK) | Indicator | Dir.Sidney Lumet...