UK Cinema Chain's To Boycott Alice In Wonderland?
Here’s a little bit of disturbing news especially if you are a Alice In Wonderland fan fromUK & Ireland, according to reports the main cinema chains (Vue, Odeon, Cineworld) are threatening to boycott Tim Burton version of Alice In Wonderland next month.
Its believed the reason is due to Disney’s reduction of the period of time when a movie is released and when it’ll be released on DVD/Blu-Ray and if things go ahead it could be very costly to the cinema and home movie markets. I dont know about USA/Canada or even anywhere outside UK but from the cinematical release and the home movie release it was usually a minimum of 18 weeks but Disney have decided to dut it to 12weeks. To some people that may not sound much but its an major factor for cinema chains as its eating into 6 weeks of potential audiences but you can say due to internet piracy Disney are trying to act on clamping down.
About 1/5 or 20% drop in home entertainment sales is another reason for disney wanting to act fast. But we can also look at other movies such as Avatar and it breaking the 3-D boundaries and Cinemas seeing more chances to get more income which will keep the home sales at hold at least for a little while. A smany movies now coming out in 2D and 3D along with many reviews stating a difference in enjoyment of the same movie, plus you may not get the same enjoyment say from a 3D on a average siz e tv screen to a cinema.
It is obivous that its a money issue and each party doesnt want to lose a stake of the prize. If you enjoy a movie no matter what way you see it you will always buy the movie when it is released on DVD a few months later. They’ll always be certain movies which will be better in 3D compared to traditional 2D you want to see it you’ll go.
Personally I dont think Disney will let the boycott happen as the British/Irish moviegoers are some of their best audience , I think a deal will be struct halfway keeping both sides happy. Yes Internet piracy has dealt a blow on sales at cinemas and home cinema but I think both parties have to look a little closer for what I would say is an major factor, there own prices.The cost of actually buying a cinema ticket is disgusting (also varies in different regions) then you want people to buy your snacks which are sometimes upto 75% more expensive than buying at a supermarket. DVD stores the average price of an 1 disc dvd can be as high as £15-£20 ($25-$30) though that goes up and down, so it would be wise to get your own house in order first before anyone else.
Im 35 this year and I can just remember video’s and my parents having a Betamax as VHS was too expensive. A movie came out and could be in the cinema as long as upto 6 months if it was an sucessfull movie, then you had to wait anything upto 1 year before it comes out on video. As for when it would on tv as a premir that could be as much as upto 3-5 years!!! So companies do have it easier now when releasing new movies and saying a shorter period between cinema and home would help cut down pirates, think again. No matter what the period will be a pirates a pirate they will get a copy not matter how much time it is,
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