Pandorum Featurette: THE STORY


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It’s only two weeks to go until Pandorum hits the British and Irish cinemas (this Friday in USA) and Thanks to Trailer Addict here’s a little featurette that goes behind the scenes of the movie and dig’s into the movie story.

Pandorum is a sci-fi horror set in the future when 2  crew members (Dennis Qauid and Ben Foster) wake up aboard a spaceship no idea of what there mission is or even who they are and before they know it they aren’t alone.Going by the trailers and featurette’s this looks creepy and have alot of jumpy bits in it and of course brown trouser moments. You have over 2 weeks to get a good supply of clean underwear sorted out but remember you have Surrogates in between to watch as well!!!.

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3466121&w=425&h=350&fv=]

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