Feature:The Wackiest of Drinking Laws


Boardwalk Empire, HBO’s acclaimed gangster epic, takes place during the Prohibition era when alcohol was made illegal in the states. Drinking is now legal again, but there are still a number of laws in America, and around the world, that restrict drinking. And not always for good reason! In honour of the release of Season one of Boardwalk Empire on Blu-ray and DVD, we took at look at some of the world’s weirdest drinking laws.

1. In Ohio it’s illegal to get a fish drunk. Who knew fish were drinking more than water? Apparently, Ohio isn’t the only state that prohibits alcohol consumption by animals. In Fairbanks, Alaska it’s illegal to give a moose a drink, and in Chicago, Illinois it’s illegal to give a dog whiskey.

2. In Scotland, “any Scotsman found to be wearing underwear beneath his kilt, can be fined two cans of beer.” It’s a lot to ask a man either way. We’re not quite sure where we stand on this issue.

3. In New Zealand the legal age for drinking is 20. However, this law can be circumvented if one were to get married. Anyone over the age of 18 and married can drink alcohol but only in the presence of his or her spouse.

4. In Scotland it is illegal to be drunk and in possession of a cow. We can only imagine the kinds of antics a person could get into with a cow when drunk.

5. According to a law in Nebraska, bars cannot sell beer unless they are brewing a kettle of soup. Not sure how the two are connected, but sounds like a tasty combination to us.

6. In Texas the Encyclopaedia Britannica is banned because somewhere in its 32 volumes is a recipe for homebrewed beer. After all, knowledge can be dangerous.

7. Alcohol and exotic dancing go together like fish and chips, but in Saskatchewan, Canada, it’s illegal to drink while watching exotic dancers. What?!? We’re more concerned for the dancers than the patrons. People tend to tip a lot less when sober.

8. In Iowa, it’s illegal for a man to drink beer while in bed with their wife. Now, if we can only get a law passed to stop them from farting in bed.

9. In Kentucky, if you send a gift of a bottle of beer, spirits or wine in the post you could be looking at up to 5 years in jail. Similarly, in New York a liquor store can sell wine and all things wine related, but if they sell a customer a wine gift bag they could be fined up to $10,000.

10. In Bergen County, New Jersey, only liquor stores and grocery stores are allowed to open on Sundays. Though inconvenient, this law doesn’t seem too bad to us. Food and liquor sounds like a great Sunday afternoon.

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Be on the look out for Boardwalk Empire Series 1 on Blu-ray and DVD January 9th and spend those Christmas vouchers wisely!

Audio Commentaries
Making Boardwalk Empire
Creating the Boardwalk
Atlantic City: The Original Sin City
Speakeasy Tour

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