Comic Con Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Cast Meet Fans In Queue

or Twilight fans are eagerly awaiting the final instalment of the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 based on the best selling trilogy by Stephanie Meyer about teenager Bella and her Romeo and Juliet
style romance with vampire Edward Cullen.
In the first part of Breaking Dawn Twihards
saw both Edward and Bella get married and Bella give birth to vampire baby Renesmee before finally being turned into a vampire herself.
The final part of the saga, Breaking Dawn Part 2 released on November 16th will see Bella coping with becoming a vampire as well as the epic final battle between the Cullen’s and The Volturi.
Dedicated Twihards camped out since Sunday at Comic Con in San Diego to catch a glimpse of their favourite stars of the film including Ashley Greene (Alice), Nikki Reed (Rosalie), Jackson Rathbone (Jasper), Peter Facinelli (Carlisle) and Kellen Lutz (Emmett).
Today twenty eight of the cast members took part in a panel discussion about the final instalment of the much loved vampire romance trilogy.
Being a Twilight fan myself I’m excited to see how the last film pans out as I was rather disappointed with the first part as I felt it didn’t seem to go anywhere, hopefully the final instalment will include plenty of action and will tie up the loose ends.
Looks like I’ll have to wait like everyone else, until November 16th to find out The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 is any good.
Emily Pontin
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