Cameras to roll on the WACHOWSKI-TYKWER directed CLOUD ATLAS

As Brad Pitt and his zombie pals roll out of Glasgow to there next location for World War Z this weekend another Hollywood movie rolls into Glasgow this weekend as shooting is about to begin on The Wachowski ‘s /Tom Tywker (Run Lola Run) Cloud Atlas.
The movie is based on the David Mitchell novel of the same name and has ensembled an international all star cast of Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess, Ben Whishaw, Keith David, Susan Sarandon, Chinese actress Zhou Xun ,Korean actress Doona Bae and David Gyasi. Its also been revealed Hugh Grant has also joined the ever increasing cast trying to make amends to recent howlers such as Did You Hear About The Morgans he’s starred in.
The filming is due to start on September 16th lasting over the weekend filming in the Blythswood Square area (west side of the city centre) then coming back for one day to Merchant City Area which is just off George Square the scene of World War z. If your expecting to see all of the above cast on these few days you’ll be extremely disappointed as its only confirmed one of the above will be there, Halle Berry.
I do hope the scenes will be in wet weather since yesterday we have been getting wind gust upto 80 mph! There could be the odd zombie around if they do night filming, not one of Brad’s friends but late night revellers drunk from a Saturday night on the town!
Check out the press release Warner Bros have sent us:
September 13th, 2011 – Producers Grant Hill and Stefan Arndt announce that CLOUD ATLAS will begin filming on September 16th. The ambitious, independently financed film will be co-directed by Andy and Lana Wachowski, directors/writers of the ground-breaking MATRIX trilogy, and Tom Tykwer, director/writer of PERFUME and RUN LOLA RUN.
Academy Award® winners Tom Hanks and Halle Berry lead an all-star ensemble cast that includes Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess, Ben Whishaw, Keith David and David Gyasi. The film also stars Hugh Grant and Susan Sarandon, with Chinese actress Zhou Xun and Doona Bae from Korea rounding out the internationally acclaimed cast.
CLOUD ATLAS is an epic story of humankind in which the actions and consequences of our lives impact one another throughout the past, present and future as one soul is shaped from a murderer into a savior and a single act of kindness ripples out for centuries to inspire a revolution.
The Wachowskis and Tykwer co-wrote CLOUD ATLAS, an adaptation of the celebrated best-selling novel by David Mitchell. Their unique creative collaboration began several years ago and has resulted in a vision that involves simultaneous filming of two full units that will take them to Scotland, Spain and Germany.
Award-nominated producers Grant Hill and Stefan Arndt are producing, with Philip Lee and Uwe Schott serving as executive producers.
The Producers have assembled a number of strong distribution and equity partners. CLOUD ATLAS will be distributed in the United States and Canada by Warner Bros. Pictures and in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland by X-Filme-Verleih. Dreams of the Dragon Pictures is an equity partner and holds all rights in China. Media Asia Group is an equity partner and holds all rights in Hong Kong. Ascension Pictures is an equity partner and holds all rights in Singapore and Malaysia. A Company is an equity partner and holds all rights in Russia and Eastern Europe. Focus Features International has sold the remaining territories, other than Japan, France, the UK and Australia, which the Producers have held back. These will be marketed later in the year, as filming progresses.
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