American Dream ;Is All Muscle’ Watch Red Band Pain&Gain Trailer



If you ever wondered what a Michael Bay movie would look like if he made it with out his giant robotic friends? Step forward Pain&Gain, watch the  new red band trailer and TV Spot.

With the fourth of the Transformers franchise about to go into production very shortly the Baymeister promised he would take a step back, create something smaller, low key. Pain&Gain as the first trailer proved the film is action packed proving his vision for American is all muscle not a lot of brawn. Mark Whalberg stars as Daniel a bodybuilder whose fed up with life who gets 2 other musclehead’s( Dwayne Johnson, Anthony Mackie) into an extortion ring and a kidnapping scheme to live the American Dream but like all good plans they all go wrong.

The trailer is full of hot bikini clad girls, muscle bound dudes,sexual innuendos but most of all the trailer focuses on the film’s humour and this could easily be his funniest flick to date. The juvenile male testosterone you expect from the Baymeister is still evident  but Pain&Gain looks like movie that’sstuck in a 1980’s time warp but in a good way . Watch out for some scene stealing moments from Rebel Wilson and Ken Jeong who looks to have found Mr.Chow a new home!

Pain&Gain will be flexing its muscles in UK&Ireland on 28th August with USA release 26th June. Film also stars Rob CorddryEd HarrisJohn Turturro,Tony Shalhoub.


TV Spot


Pain  And  Gain tells the true story of a gang of Miami bodybuilders entitled the “Sun Gym Gang” who get involved with extortion, kidnapping, and murder. Mark WahlbergDwayne Johnson (both playing the roles of incompetently murderous weightlifters) and Ed Harris all have starring roles in the film. Harris plays private detective Ed Du Bois who attempts to crack the case after the Miami PD fails to do so.

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