Watch The Full John Kahrs Disney Animated Short Paperman


paperman-disneyshort2Back in the summer we announced John Kahrs gorgeous looking animated short Paperman was to play in front of Oscar Nominated Wreck-It-Ralph, Disney have now released the short fully online for your viewing pleasure!

With the Oscars only a few weeks away now what better time to release the whole short film online as Wreck-It-Ralph up for Best Animation award and ironically Paperman has also been nominated in the Short Film category.

Paperman follows the story of a lonely young man in mid-century New York City, whose destiny takes an unexpected turn after a chance meeting with abeautiful woman on his morning commute. Convinced the girl of his dreams is gone forever, he gets a second chance when he spots her in a skyscraper window across the avenue from his office. With only his heart, imagination and a stack of papers to get her attention, his efforts are no match for what fate has in store for him.

The release of this short film actually works in well for us cinephiles in UK&Ireland as the cinematic release of Wreck-It-Ralph just happens to be 8th February.If you live in Glasgow area from Monday 4th February you will be able to catch Wreck-It-Ralph & Paperman as the film is the opening gala film for Glasgow Youth Film Festival the opening festival within festival for Glasgow Film Festival (14-24 February).

Paperman is a charming little film showing off that 2D as well 3D can actually work together and deliver something truly fantastic, go on treat your eyes with delightful little film!

source: Disney Animation

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