Ryan Gosling To Drop Out Of Logan’s Run Remake

Over the years we do see so many successful actor/director collaborations, still do and once the film world has been paying close attention too is Ryan Gosling and Nicholas Winding Refn one. Since the pair worked in Drive it’s been a partnership many fans , critics alike have been raring to see more with the remake of the cult Logan’s Run the next on the agenda however it looks like the film will go ahead but not with Ryan Gosling in the lead role.
According to Variety‘s Justin Kroll, who broke the news via twitter:
“Rough news for those LOGAN’S RUN fans, I can confirm Ryan Gosling is no longer attached to the project”
No reason has been given on why the actor has pulled out or even if this news could also mean Refn walking away toobecause he wont have the lead he wants. It’s disappointing news as the pair have been working to get this project onto the big screen for a long time but one suggestion was the length of time they would have to wait until the film went into production leaving Gosling with a considerable gap between films.
The other question is did Warner Bros push Gosling forcing Refn to go for a bigger a bigger in the calibre of Tom Cruise or even Will Smith? The talk was Logan’s Run was to be the ultimate film to push Gosling into even more and bigger films with the actor as the lead moving from independent film lead to Hollywood tentpole.
For those not familiar with the original 1976 film, Logan’s Run was originally adapted from the William F. Nolan novel, set in a dystopian world with an idyllic society where once you touch 30 (or 21 in the book) and you die to preserve the population, if not you run. Alex Garland who recently scripted Dredd has written a script which is apparently closer to the novel could it this suggest Warner are looking for an actor closer to 21 than 30 which Gosling was close too (he’s 31)?
If you were looking forward to another Gosling/Refn partnership don’t despair 2013 will see the release of Only God Forgives but if your a member of the church of all things Ryan Gosling you can see your man in action this January in Gangster Squad.
source:The Playlist
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