Movie 43 Get’s Right Dirty With A Cast of Thousand’s In Red Band Trailer


What has 12 directors, 7 writers and a massive cast that would make New Year’s Eve director Garry Marshall jealous with envy,so what would you call that? Movie 43 but if your expecting something in the vein of Garry Marshall’s previous films you will be in for a mighty shock as this red band trailer shows Movie 43 is right dirty but we love it!

So would you poop for Anna Faris? Or have Liev Schreiber laugh at your  Son’s unusual pubic hair or even Gerard Butler play a Leprechaun? Well your going to love this one! Peter Farrelly is one of the main honcho’s behind this film which will make you think WTF did I just watch? According to Farrelly the film consists of a number of vignettes which where filmed over a four year period in between the cast’s schedules all seem to have something raunchy, dirty a film not for those easily offended. If you don’t mind poop to penis gags or Naomi Watts calling her son ‘Fuckface’ your going to enjoy this one!

What may shock some people is whose in the cast and some of the cast you wouldn’t think would star in a film like this: Elizabeth Banks, Kristen Bell, Halle Berry, Leslie Bibb, Kate Bosworth, Gerard Butler, Bobby Cannavale, Kieran Culkin, Josh Duhamel, Anna Faris, Richard Gere, John Hodgman, Terrence Howard, Hugh Jackman, Johnny Knoxville, Justin Long, Stephen Merchant, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Chloë Grace Moretz, Chris Pratt, Liev Schreiber, Seann William Scott, Emma Stone, Jason Sudeikis, Uma Thurman, Naomi Watts, and Kate Winslet. It’s a big list and you’ll see there’s lots of big A-listers on show but Movie 43 does potential look an highly original film that will make you wash your mouth out with soap but also laugh out loud at the same time.

Movie 43 will arrive in UK&Ireland 1st February 2013 one week after USA.

source:empire online


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