source Traileraddict

Ok Twilight fans here’s what you’ve been waiting for the first trailer for the third movie in the Twilight Saga: Eclipse which you can enjoy below. Unfortunately yesterday My laptop died on me and was unable to post the 10 second teaser of a teaser trailer but that doesnt matter now below is the full teaser.

When a teaser comes out its aim is to tease the viewer to want to see more but with Twilight that rule goes out the window as they reveal all, possibly because of their loyal hardcore fanbase have the read the books and know the story but for a newbie to the trilogy I think the trailer gives spectacular to say watch this movie, thie trailer just looks like a basic romance story.

This trailer introduces Bryce Dallas Howard as victoria who replaces Rachelle Lefevre who like Taylor Lautner dont come off well in this trailer here’shoping for there sakes the movie does more justice to them. So Twilight Fans of Uk & Ireland July 9th is the day you need to keep free to watch this and for American fans its June 30th. As my 26 year old niece said to me Im too old to understand Twilight, well Im only 34 and personally the movie isnt for me, so I dont care!!

imdb synopsis:Bella and Edward have been reunited, but their forbidden relationship is threatened to be torn apart again with an evil vampire still seeking her revenge. And Bella is forced to choose between her true love for Edward or her friendship with Jacob Black as the struggles between vampires and werewolves continues. But there is still another choice for Bella to make, mortality or immortality?

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