Oz, The Great And Powerful Débuts New TV Spots, New Footage (updated)


oz_the_great_and_powerful.posterAs news breaks that Warner Bros want to make a spin off television series ‘Red Brick Road’ continuing the Wizard Of Oz story,  Disney next month will take us back to how The Wizard arrived in Oz with OZ,The Great And Powerful.

Sam Raimi’s prequel to the classic 1939 fantasy stars James Franco as a unethical small time magician who goes on the run only to find himself stuck in a tornado in his balloon transported to the land of Oz. After finding his way to The Emerald City he convinces the populous he is a great wizard however the three witches Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) and Glinda (Michelle Williams) are not convinced finding himself  dragged into a battle between the witches.

The two new tv spots do actually provide some new fresh tid bits of footage which visually looks awesome.My only concern is this may come across like another Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland visually wonderful overall terrible film but we have the sneaky felling Disney have learned their lessons from past mistakes and will be on track creating the magic that made them the leaders in family entertainment.

The Balloon to to whisk us of to Oz will depart on 8th March in UK, Ireland USA. Oz, The Great And Powerful also co-stars Zach Braff, Abgail Spencer and Joey King

[update- 13th February 2013] – Yahoo have just released a brand new Oz, The Great And Powerful Featurette on how Sam Raimi brought the Oz to life. Also as the theme of the featurette is costumes and makeup, production designer Robert Stromberg and costume designer Gary Jones, provide an insight  on the design aspects especially the wicked witch. The video showss Raimi went for the subtle approach!

source: Yahoo

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