Marvel to introduce their second tier superhero's through Short Films
If your fan or ever in your life maybe read American comicbooks you’ll know from the big two publishers (Marvel & D.C) the list of superheros and supervillians they have is absolutely endless. With the past 10 years and more recently the surge of comic book related movies has been unbeleivable, so with Marvel been bought by Disney and D.C by Warner Bros the war to see who the next big superhero movie will be.
We do know 2012 will see the Avengers movie which brings together some of the hero’s who have already or soon to have movies ( Hulk, Thor, Iron Man), so in the war of the comicbook franchises Marvel are now wanting to delve into there catalogue of superheros and give the second tier their own 10 minute short films introducing these lesser known characters. According to Latino Review these movies could play in front of Thor or even Captain America movies but all at this time is still pure speculation.
Whatever you think of the comic book related movies they do bring the money in for the companies and they want the profit to keep coming in. Collider also had a report with some of those lesser known characters like Ka-zar, Powerpack, Dazzler actually getting there own low budget movies which could help promising directors get some screen time to help there transition into bigtime directors.
If the idea is to get off the drawing board onto the screen moneywise as well as taking into fact that 10 minutes is the length animation would be a logical route however you could create the oldstyle live action serials maybe convice a slightly longer running time and you could be onto a winner here. Short movies have there own sections in the film festivals around the world and they run sucessfully some even go onto become feature length versions and this will be possibly Marvel intentions. If the shorts become very popular i’m sure Marvel are using the films to test the waters on possiblefull length movies ,I would be in favour go away back into 1940’s/1950’s many movies consisted of 2 movies Im always hearing from older relatives they where good times I agree!
As for the above post I would post it under speculation at the momment.
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