The film tells the story of George Bailey, who with the help of a guardian angel, overcomes a dark and despairing time in his life and learns to appreciate and love his friends, family and community. Shot in black and white, the movie has now been digitally restored into colour. This has been a successful transition, and at times this gives the impression of a beautiful painting which has been coloured in.
It also contains an element of quirkiness which is not often seen in the blockbusters of today. The school reunion dance scene immediately springs to mind, it’s a pleasure to watch, invoking feelings of joy and nostalgia. The script is humorous and witty, in a subtle manner.
Although considered a feel-good Christmas movie, It’s A Wonderful Life should not be left for the winter months alone. A must see for all film fans.
Movie Rating: 4.5/5
Reviewer: Sophie Stephenson
Rating: PG
Release Date: 7th November 2011 (DVD, Blu-Ray)
Director: Frank Capra
Cast: James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore
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