Hysteria Review
★★1/2☆☆ Hysteria is a Carry On film with ambitions of feminism. As you might imagine, this is problematic, and it’s...
★★1/2☆☆ Hysteria is a Carry On film with ambitions of feminism. As you might imagine, this is problematic, and it’s...
★★★1/2 The achievement of telling a successful horror story is akin to the achievement of successfully juggling chainsaws. Both activities...
★★★★★ Anna Karenina is a story about love, and its place in society. It’s also a whirling, passionate film that...
Lawless is one of those oh so tricky review subjects. It’s not a bad movie. But in terms of story...
★★★1/2 The achievement of telling a successful horror story is akin to the achievement of successfully juggling chainsaws. Both activities...
★★★1/2☆ The Land That Time Forgot (TLTTF) is a movie I wish I had seen 14 years ago. It is...
★★☆☆☆ “Warlords of Atlantis” is a pre-Star Wars Z sci-fi/fantasy film from the most famous director/actor collaborators of the genre...
★★★1/2☆ Sometimes the story matters less than the storyteller. That was the feeling I got from Seeking a Friend for...
★★★1/2☆ The problem with The Hunter is that it is in fact two different films. One is a relationship drama,...
★★★★★ Sometimes, to tell a story is to hold a mirror up to life: to reflect, and so capture a...
★★★☆☆ Ti West has made quite a distinct impact on the horror scene despite having only three previous films under...
★★★★☆ For me, A Royal Affair was a film without empathy. From the perspective of the craft, it is fine:...
★★★☆☆ The strength of Innkeepers lies in the execution, not the story. This is a well-made, low-key horror. As such,...
★★★★☆ Prometheus is a story built around a mystery, which is problematic. Stories after all need conclusions, but unfortunately, the...